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Mull Pyar Da Arjan Dhillon Mp3 and Lyrics - MrJatt

Mull Pyar Da Arjan Dhillon Lyrics

Mull Pyar Da is a New Punjabi Song released in 2020. This song is sung by Arjan Dhillon. Also, this song is written by Arjan Dhillon himself. Music in this song is given by Jayb Singh.

Mull Pyar Da Lyrics-:

Khadi rahi addi rahi sahan naal madhi rahi,
Kai aaye kai gaye jattiye tu khadi rahi❤,

Haye khadi rahi addi rahi saham naal madhi rahi,
Kayi aaye kayi gaye jattiye tu khadi rahi,
Tere bina auna billo, tere naal jeona jive,
Haunsla mogge de hathiyaar da,

Tags- mull pyar da mr jatt

Ni dass billo,
Ni dass billo kiven mull modu tere pyaar da,
Ni dass billo kiven mull modu tere pyaar da,
Kiven mull modu tere pyaar da,
Ni dass billo kiven mull modu tere pyaar da,

Ho jado suraj ne khurde ni,
Lok ghare mud de ni,
Odo biba naal parchava vi haye rehnda ni,

Manni baithi hoor koleya nu Kohinoor,
Haye tainu aunda janda ta har ek hou kehnda ni,
Pakkeya sadaam wangu bhora vi na hilli,
Ni tu suni na kise di, jiven sundi na Delhi di,
Ik ik kar gair ungla te chad gae,
Aavde badal jiven nit pehla panna akhbaar da,

Ni dass billo,
Ni dass billo kiven mull modu tere pyaar da,
Ni dass billo kiven mull modu tere pyaar da,
Kiven mull modu tere pyaar da,
Ni dass billo kiven mull modu tere pyaar da,

Dil de si chor kinne, option hor kinne,
Par tu na takkeya kise nu ankh pattke,
Othe main tu jithe billo, enne joga kithe billo,
Maan mattiye tu jinna kare maan jatt te,

Wafa te husan kite milde na mull ni,
Arjan arjan kehn tere bull ni,
Kiven jau sarr mera, dil mera kar tera,
Kade azmaa kera adhe bol utte jaan vaarda,

Ni dass billo,
Ni dass billo kiven mull modu tere pyaar da,
Ni dass billo kiven mull modu tere pyaar da,
Kiven mull modu tere pyaar da,
Ni dass billo kiven mull modu tere pyaar da.

You can also listen to this song on Youtube-:

Also, Crawl our website and read some more lyrics like Vacation Nirvair Pannu Lyrics and Jattiye Nirvair Pannu Lyrics.

Mull Pyar Da Arjan Dhillon Lyrics.


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